Client Testimonials

Don't take our word for it, read what other employers have to say about our services. We hope to add your employer group to our growing list of valued and satisfied partners.

“Thanks so much for the innovations you and the company have brought to our system.” Judith Gann, Director of Human Resources, Marietta City Schools
“Out of the box' thinking that has added value to our relationship with you over the years.” Larry Sanders, CEO , Columbus Regional Health System.
“I appreciate all the things that you and Houze & Associates do for us.” Rebecca Whiten, Assistant to the Director of Human Resources, Cobb County Government
“We have received excellent service and highly recommend.” Keith Chapman, Comptroller, Coweta County School System
“I greatly appreciate Donna Chaney’s assistance with my employees. Donna is always so pleasant and so quick to help whenever I call.” Michele Daugherty, Benefit Specialist, Langdale Industries, Inc.
“Thank you for providing the insurance Benefits Counselors for our Open Enrollment. The counselors were, and always have been, a great help in understanding the different choices. (I have a friend that works for another school system and that school system does not provide Benefit Counselors for their employees. So the employees have to decipher all of the information on their own.)” Teacher at Evan Middle School, Coweta County School System
“So pleasant and helpful... I was totally convinced that good customer service was a thing of the past, until I talked with you.” Cobb County Retiree
“It's a pleasure working with you.” Judith Gann, Director of Human Resources, Marietta City Schools
“You treat our employees like family during open enrollment decisions. I truly enjoy working with you. ” Darlene Nicklow, Benefits Supervisor, Clarke County School District
“Ultimately saved us $341,000/year.” Pat Cromer, Benefits Manager, Cobb County Government.
“Our savings increased from approximately $32,000 per year to over $191,000 projected for 2010.” Tony Hagler, Human Resources Director, Cobb County Government
“Thank you to everyone involved in the continuous efforts to enhance our enrollment and benefits website. We appreciate all that you do!” Amy Alexander, Manager of Employee Benefits, Columbus Regional Healthcare System
“You are always so quick to respond to me. Thank you so very much. ” Michele Daugherty, Benefit Specialist/Human Resources, Langdale Industries
“Such a commitment to great customer service is to be commended. ” Dr. Paula B. Baker, Assistant Principal, Coweta County School System
“The quality of service provided has consistently exceeded our expectations.” Eric J. Keese, Dir. of Safety, Risk Mgmt, Recruitment & Retention, Clarke County School District

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