Since We’re not affiliated with any single insurance company, you get the best possible price

Solicitation of Competitive Proposals

Benefits are a key factor in allowing employers to show appreciation for their valued employees. Once the type of benefits you would like to offer (or enhance) your employees has been determined, (See Evaluation of Current Benefits for additional information) Houze & Associates, Inc. will work to gather proposals or quotes specific to your needs.

Industry needs vary on employees jobs and wants. Our experience has taught us that all providers do not offer the same benefits and solutions for every type of employer. We will review your needs/wants and submit requests for quotes based on employer and employee requirements. We submit requests through our RFP website, submitting each benefit individually. Carriers then send us quotes on the products we have requested. This ensures you get the absolute rock-bottom price for your total employee benefits package.

Houze & Associates has obtained access to a large number of carriers to obtain competitive quotes. We are currently working with over 35 top rated carriers in the United States.


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1.800.523.7135 M-F 8am to 5pm Est