Benefits at a Glance

Employees have the choice to increase their Employee, Spouse and Child Group Term Life Insurance to the amounts shown on the Rates tab.


Employee & Spouse

Employee and Spouse Rates are listed below, and are age banded. This allows for a more robust benefit offering for Group Life Insurance.

Age Employee & Spouse
Rate per $10,000
Under 25 $.70 $.35
25 – 29 $.80 $.40
30 – 34 $1.00 $.50
35 – 39 $1.10 $.55
40 – 44 $1.40 $.70
45 – 49 $2.30 $1.15
50 – 54 $3.90 $1.95
55 – 59 $6.30 $3.15
60 – 64 $7.70 $3.85
65 – 69 $13.30 $6.65
70 – 74 $20.80 $10.40


Coverage Rate
$10,000 $1.30
$20,000 $2.60

Additional Plan Benefits

Accidental Dealth and Dismemberment matches the life amount for dealth with a benefit schedule for dismemberment.

Waiver of Premium for active employees who are disabled prior to age 60, continues coverage until retirement, recovery or age 70. 9 month waiting period for filing the WOP.

Accelerated Death Benefit allows terminally ill insureds with a 12 month or less life expectancy to accelerate up to 100% of the face amount.

Portability is available to continue coverage when terminate, retire, or other non-medical leave, with increased rates until age 70.

Conversion to an Individual Policy.

Enrollment & Guarantee Issue

Life Plan Summary

Minimum Maximum Guarantee
GI Amount*
Employee $10,000 $250,000 $250,000 $10,000
Spouse $5,000 $50,000 $50,000  EOI after new hire enrollment
Child(ren) $10,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000

* Future GI Amount is during a subsequent Annual Enrollment, Employees may increase $10,000 without Evidence of Insurability if there is current coverage in force. There is no Guarantee Issue for future enrollments for Spouse Coverage, Child(ren) are always Guarantee Issue.

There are no age reductions for Supplemental Life Coverage.

Certificate of Coverage

Employee Certificate of Coverage – Minnesota Life/OCHS 1/1/2019 – 12/31/2023