Benefits at a Glance
Troup County Government offers employees two Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA’s) – a Health Care Account and a Child Care Account. Flexible Spending accounts provide a way for you to pay for certain unreimbursed health care and dependent child care expenses with tax-free dollars. You contribute before-tax dollars directly from your pay to either or both Flexible Spending Account.
Why? Because you save money since the contributions are made before taxes — This is comparable to every dollar $1.00 you elect only affecting your take home pay by about $0.70.
All with the Convenience of a MasterCard! Current FSA Participants must keep their card until the imprinted expiration date. Annual Elections are credited each year on January 1st. Replacement Cards are $7.50 and will be deducted from your FSA Account.
Maximum Contribution
July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025 has an Annual Maximum of $3,200
July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026 has an Annual Maximum of $3,300
$5,000 for Dependent Care ($2,500 if married and filing separate returns) – $416.66 per monthly pay period.
Medical FSA has a $640 Rollover feature where unused funds will ‘roll’ to the next plan year.
Dependent Daycare Accounts are ‘use it or lose it’ as dictated by the IRS.
Here’s How It Works
- You enroll in one or both of the FSA plans during Annual Enrollment
- Deductions are made on a “pre-tax” basis from each paycheck in the amounts you elect to set aside.
- New enrollees will receive a bank MedCom MasterCard™ by July 1st- cards are valid for 3 years and will be ‘credited’ on July 1st of each year for your annual election
- You incur an eligible expense & pay the qualified provider with your MasterCard™.
You will be required to submit an Explanation of Benefits for charges that cannot be automatically verified as 1) Pharmacy Expense 2) Co-Pay amount or multiple. - If the eligible provider does not accept MasterCard™, then you simply file a paper claim for reimbursement.
Eligible Expenses are ones that: 1) Can deduct on an itemized Federal income tax return or 2) Have not otherwise received reimbursement or eligible to receive reimbursement from insurance or any other source - Works just like a regular bank debit card, only the “bank account” consists of funds you have set aside in your Health Care or Child Care FSA accounts.
- Health Care Accounts and Child Care Accounts are completely separate. You cannot use money set aside in your Health Care account for Child Care expenses and vice versa
What’s Eligible to Claim on your Flex Spending Account?
Have questions about what you can claim? It’s easy to find by searching for Medical and Dependent Daycare Care eligible products and services:
FSA Eligibility List – Choose Medical FSA or Dependent Daycare
Plan Rules and Highlights
Understanding Dependent Care FSA
Dependent Care FSA Information
There is a $50 account minimum for employees that do not re-enroll for the next year.
Eligible expenses must have been incurred during the plan year, but you have ninety (90) days after the end of the plan year to file your claim.
Receipt Requests
Understanding Receipt Request Timeline and FAQ’s about Receipt Requests
Phone: (800) 523-7542, option 1
Summary Plan Description
WealthCarePortal for MedCom (Registration ID is MCOTRPBOC)
Medcom Wealthcare Online and Mobile

View all of your benefit account(s) recent transactions, balances, election information, claims filing deadlines, and more. You may also view transactions that require receipt documentation that may need to be submitted.
Additional features include opting in/out to receive alerts via text messaging, email, or both! These alerts could include information when your debit card has been mailed, when your password to the portal/mobile app has been reset, card transaction denials, and more
Recurring Expenses
Manual Claims / Claim Form
1) Emailed to
2) Fax to MedCom at 877-723-0149
3) Mail: MedCom Flex Dept, PO Box 10269, Jacksonville, FL 32247-0269
4) Upload to FSA Online Account though (Registration ID is MCOTRPBOC)
Kathy Veal, 706-882-2864 or 800-523-7135,