2022 Enrollment Information
Primary Care Physician and Medical Care
Choosing Care Flyer or Primary Care Physicians flyer
ACA Requirements
ACA Requirements: 1. Medical Enroll or Medical Decline annually
2. Valid social security numbers and birth dates
Direct Contracts with Medical Providers
The City of LaGrange has negotiated reduced, discounted rates with Wellstar, West Georgia Physician Partners and First Health Network. Utilizing providers in one of these networks will save you money. To locate a network physician, click on the links below:
Pharmacy Benefit Manager is WellDyneRx. Make sure you present your TBR id card to your pharmacist
If you have questions regarding your benefits, please contact Houze & Associates at 706-882-2864.
2022 Enrollment Changes
Medical premiums are changing to have only one rate for each coverage level for the 2022 Plan Year. Deductibles and Out of Pocket Maximums will increase. Employees can choose either the PPO Plan or the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP).
Tobacco Surcharge
The bi-weekly surcharge of $20 will increase to $50 and will be added to medical premiums for employees that use nicotine in any form, including, but not limited to cigarettes, snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, vaping, pipe tobacco and other similar products.
Spousal Surcharge
A bi-weekly surcharge of $100 will be added to medical premium for employees that choose to cover their spouse on The City’s Medical Plan if medical coverage is available and waived through the spouse’s employer. This does not apply if both employee/spouse are employee of The City.
FSA Expense and Card Reminder
Annual maximum contribution for the 2022 Plan Year will increase to $2,850.
Employee Assistance Program
The City of LaGrange has an Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
This program provides professional, confidential counseling for employees and loved ones for emotional, financial, and legal challenges.
Employee Connect provides:
In-person support and includes 5 face to face sessions with a counselor per person, per issue, per year
24x7 unlimited assistance through online, mobile app and toll free support
Online resources and tools for self-guided research and access
For more information about the program, visit GuidanceResources.com, download the GuidanceNow mobile app or call 888-628-4824.
User Name: LFGSupport Password: LFGSupport1
To Our Employees
The City of LaGrange realizes that our most valuable resource is our employees. That is why we provide you with one of the area's most progressive and comprehensive benefit programs to ensure your current and future financial security.
A variety of employee benefit programs have been designed to assist you and your eligible dependents in meeting the financial burdens that can result from illness, disability, and death, and to help you plan for retirement, deal with job-related or personal problems, and enhance your job-related skills.
This benefit website is meant to give you a detailed description of our benefit programs and is designed to:
Make your benefits easier to access and understand when you need them most.
Help you do your own personal benefits and financial planning.
Provide a detailed source of accurate information about the City of LaGrange benefit plans and programs.
The information in this guide describes the employee benefit plans in general terms. This information is not intended to replace the legal plan documents, summary plan descriptions, group policies or certificates of coverage that describe specific benefits, limitations or exclusions. The City reserves the right to amend or terminate any of these programs or to require or increase employee premium contributions toward any benefit at its discretion. For questions related to any of these benefit programs, please contact your Human resources Department at (706) 883-2025 or Houze & Associates, Inc. at (706) 882-2864.